Thick Brush Stroke

Dark truth of american colonial history.


From 1861 to 1865, the American Civil War was a complicated and significant period in American history. Slavery, states' rights, and

regional tensions between Northern and Southern states were the primary causes. It is essential to approach the subject with

sensitivity, comprehension, and a dedication to historical accuracy,

1. Slavery: In the Southern states, where enslaved African Americans worked in agriculture and

other industries, slavery was deeply ingrained.The war played a significant role in the eventual abolition of slavery.

2. Soldiers of African descent: During the Civil War, thousands of African Americans played an

important role in the Union Army, despite being subjected to discrimination and initially being denied entry into the military.

3. Railroad under the table: The Underground Railroad, a network of secret routes and safe houses

used by enslaved people to escape to free states or Canada, was also affected by the Civil War.

4. Era of Reconstruction: The Reconstruction Era, which followed the Civil War, aimed to rebuild the South

and address issues of racial equality and political rights for African Americans who had previously been enslaved.
