Thick Brush Stroke

Is this the right time for india to reclaim pakistan occupied kashmir.


The question of whether India should reclaim Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK)

at this time is difficult to answer. There are a lot of things to think about, like the

political climate right now, the situation with the military, and the financial costs.

On the one hand, there is a strong public sentiment in India in favor of returning PoK to Indian control.

A lot of Indians think that PoK belongs to India and should be returned to their

control. The Indian government has likewise clarified that it is focused on reclaiming PoK.

Then again, there are likewise a few dangers related with reclaiming PoK.

A tactical activity to retake PoK could prompt a conflict with Pakistan, which would be exorbitant and could

undermine the district. In addition, there is the possibility of civilian

casualties and Pakistan using nuclear weapons in retaliation.

In the end, it is up to politics to decide whether or not to take back PoK. Before

making a decision, the Indian government will need to carefully weigh the benefits and risks.
