Thick Brush Stroke

Aurangzeb, the sixth Mughal emperor, died on March 3, 1707, at the age of 88.


He passed away in Ahmednagar, present-day Maharashtra, India, 

while he was on a military campaign in the Deccan region.

Aurangzeb had been suffering from an illness for some time, and his health 

deteriorated during his final years. He had been experiencing issues 

related to his lungs, and he was eventually diagnosed with a 

terminal illness, believed to be pneumonia or a lung infection.

During his last days, Aurangzeb continued to carry out administrative and military

affairs from his sickbed. However, his condition worsened, and he passed away in the early hours of March 3, 1707.

He was buried in a simple grave at Khuldabad, near Aurangabad in Maharashtra, in accordance with his own wishes for a modest burial.
