Elon musk's giant space rocket explodes during its launch

Elon musk’s company spaceX was testing the world’s biggest rocket.

Elon musk was testing this for safe take off.

Elon musk was testing this for safe take off.

This big boy is made to take astronauts to moon and mars.

The test was successful and live streamed on their official channels.

This invention will make a record in the world.

This invention will make a record in the world.

It is made for further future exploration in space.

It is made for further future exploration in space.

This idea has come in the mind of world’s richest businessman Elon musk.

This will take our earth to different parts of space where human wants to go to explore the space.

Everyone waiting for the day of launch of this giant space ship.

Everyone waiting for the day of launch of this giant space ship.